Xin Si Cheng Technology

OBDEMOTO 6007 Motorcycle fuel pressure gauge

The fuel pressure gauge is used to measure the pressure of the fuel supply system and determine the operation of the fuel system components such as the electric gasoline pump and the oil pressure regulator. It is a special tool for inspecting and troubleshooting the fuel system.

Fuel gauge use
Turn off the engine and turn off the ignition Unplug the fuel pump fuse or relay to disable the fuel pump.

Start the engine
Let the engine turn until it stops automatically. This process mainly relies on the pressure relief of the fuel system and releases the fuel pressure for the convenience of connecting the fuel pressure gauge. After the test is completed, when the fuel pressure gauge needs to be disassembled, the pressure is first released according to this method, and then the fuel pressure gauge is removed.

1, the connection method: Install the fuel pressure gauge, disconnect the fuel high pressure common rail and the oil pipeline connection, and connect the fuel pressure gauge tee in series for measurement. From the measured values, it is easy to judge the operation of fuel system components such as electric gasoline pumps and oil pressure regulators.

2. Measurement:
(1) After the 5s automatic pumping of the electric gasoline pump, observe the fuel pressure on the oil pressure gauge. The normal oil pressure is about 300KPa. If the oil pressure gauge is swung around 300KPa, the oil pressure regulator works normally. After measuring the end of the initial oil pressure for 5 minutes, observe the fuel system to maintain the pressure indicated by the oil pressure gauge. Should not be lower than 147KPa. If the oil pressure is too high, check whether the oil pressure regulation road is working properly; if the oil pressure is too low, check the electric gasoline pump to maintain the pressure, the oil pressure regulator to maintain the pressure and the injector to leak.
(2) Measurement of fuel pressure during engine operation Start the engine and run at idle speed. Observe that the fuel system pressure indicated by the oil pressure gauge should not be lower than 250KPa. Otherwise, check the vacuum gauge for leaks or wrong insertion. Press the accelerator pedal and observe the acceleration oil pressure indicated by the oil pressure gauge when the throttle is fully open. It should be no less than 300KPa. Otherwise, check the vacuum tube for leaks or wrong insertion.
(3) Fuel pressure measurement after unplugging the oil pressure regulator vacuum tube Unplug the vacuum hose on the oil pressure regulator, block it by hand, let the engine idle, and observe the oil pressure indicated by the oil pressure gauge. It should be basically the same as the fuel pressure when the throttle is fully open.
(4) Measurement of the maximum pressure of the fuel system Unplug the vacuum hose from the oil pressure regulator, block it by hand, let the engine run, and observe the maximum fuel pressure indicated by the oil pressure gauge. At this time, the oil pressure rises to 2-3 times the working oil pressure, that is, 490-640 KPa. Otherwise, check the oil pump for blockage or wear and leaks in the oil circuit.
(5) Measurement of residual oil pressure in the fuel system Extinguish the engine. Observe the oil pressure gauge at this time. The residual oil pressure of the fuel system should not be lower than 147KPa. And it will not fall for 30mins. Otherwise, the system will leak oil and should be further checked.